The reason for using GGG70 in Eistapol production wheels
First, it is necessary to examine the mechanical properties of grade 70 cast iron. The most important characteristic of this material compared to other types of cast iron is its higher tensile strength and abrasion resistance. Because of these features, the GGG70 is widely used in the production of crankshafts, camshafts and main lathes. The production cycles of this set are made according to the German DIN 1693 standard (equivalent to the American standard ASTM A536-584). The mechanical specifications of GGG70 are given in the table below.
In overhead cranes, all the load on the structure is borne by the wheels, so some characteristics of grade 70 soft cast iron are highlighted compared to steel alloys (such as CK45). These features include the following:
- Abrasive Resistance: Generally, the abrasion resistance of cast iron alloys is higher than that of steel alloys.
- Vibration absorption: In general, cast iron alloys absorb more vibrations than steel samples.
- According to the above, the wheels produced in Eistapol are made of GGG70 cast iron as standard.